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Fueling a Healthier Ghana.
Through education, collaboration, and community-driven projects, it seeks to address key health challenges, enhance nutrition, and empower individuals to make informed decisions for a healthier future.
Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, GAND
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Who we are

The Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND) is the only professional association representing the professional, educational , public and workplace interests of licensed and Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists in Ghana. The Academy also seeks to pursue the advancement of nutritional knowledge and practice, for the attainment of optimum nutritional well-being of the community. The majority of members are registered dietitians, and registered nutritionists, however, we also have associate members who are either scientists and practitioners with relevant qualifications in nutrition, dietetics, or food science related field, and students.

Our Mission

A progressive organization promoting a supportive environment responsive to the needs of highly skilled nutrition and dietetic professionals who are committed to providing high standards of practice, research, and advocacy.

Our Vision

To represent highly skilled Nutrition and Dietetics professionals contributing towards achieving optimal nutrition through credible sources of nutrition and food information.

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The Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND) is the only professional association representing the professional, educational , public and workplace interests of licensed and Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists in Ghana. The Academy also seeks to pursue the advancement of nutritional knowledge and practice, for the attainment of optimum nutritional well-being of the community. The majority of members are registered dietitians, and registered nutritionists, however, we also have associate members who are either scientists and practitioners with relevant qualifications in nutrition, dietetics, or food science related field, and students.

Who We Are

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Nutrition Is a Science

There is a rich and evolving body of science illuminating nutrition’s impact on out health.

Nutrition Is Medicine

Nutrition is the core element of our health and can prevent and reverse disease.

Nutrition Is Personal

Because our biology is unique, personalized nutrition most powerfully taps our health potential.

Today's Featured Article


A New Era Begins: Welcoming Our New Executives

The Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND) is thrilled to announce the official swearing-in of our new governing body. This momentous occasion, which occurred on Tuesday, 8th October 2024 at our Annual General Meeting in Cape Coast, marks the beginning of a new chapter for the Academy.

On behalf of the distinguished nutritionists and dietitians in Ghana, the Governing Board of the Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND) wishes to extend our heartfelt congratulations on your successful swearing-in as the President of the Republic of Ghana. Your impressive electoral success is a testament to the profound faith the people of Ghana have in your leadership, vision, and steadfast dedication to the nation’s progress. As the national body representing dietetics and nutrition professionals in Ghana, GAND is eager to partner with your esteemed administration in advancing the health and nutritional wellbeing of our country. We are confident


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When your registration goes through, you will receive two emails:
1. An email with a link to activate your account.
2. An email welcoming you after you do the activation.
(If you have already done this, kindly ignore)

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