

GAND is committed to protecting the personal Information of its members, by keeping personal information of members on secure servers managed by our website manager. No information of members is sold or provided to third parties. Information from members is used for legitimate business of GAND and to communicate with past, present and new members of the Academy.
The exhibition of professional practice information for marketing purposes on our website is optional and can be removed or edited on request. Members can at any time edit their personal information by communicating with our secretariat.

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GAND Members

Hello GAND Members!

Did you register for Membership from 2019 to June 2023?
If yes, please register again, to get your details in the system and your GAND number.
If no, please go ahead and register for your membership!
When your registration goes through, you will receive two emails:
1. An email with a link to activate your account.
2. An email welcoming you after you do the activation.
(If you have already done this, kindly ignore)

Thank you!

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