In a significant stride towards advancing professional standards in nutrition and dietetics practice in Ghana, the Governing Board of The Academy officials presented previously qualified nutrition and dietetics professionals/members credential certificates. This first ever mass credentialling event of The Academy aimed to recognize and celebrate the achievements of healthcare practitioners who have demonstrated exceptional skills and commitment to their fields. This recognition ceremony acknowledges the longstanding expertise and dedication of suitably qualified members of The Academy and our budding professions. The event, which was executed as part of the key activities of the AGM 2023, saw the official credentialling of 90 nutritionists and dietitians – all of whom are previously practicing professional members of the GAND. Each credentialled professional received a GAND Board certified credential certificate and an accompanying individualized lapel pin imprinted with member’s unique GAND registration numbers. Following this event, credentialled GAND members now have legal and professional authorization/backing to use one of two coveted GAND credentials [the “Registered Nutritionist (RNutr)” or “Registered Dietitian (RD)”] of the Academy (based on the certificate issued). Credentialled members can also (actually encouraged to) use the appropriate suffixes with their names – both in written and oral introductions. For example, a nutritionist called Afua Makak (fictitious name) can now confidently sign off her email, official correspondences or even patient records/documentations with the signature Afua Makak, RNutr; with full and unfettered professional body indemnity. Also, she can also orally introduce herself and say “Hello, I am Afua Makak, a registered nutritionist and a member of the Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND)”. [Note: A dietitian may do the same with the RD credential too]. Most importantly, this event is not just a celebration. It is a testament to our (GAND’s) shared commitment to raising the bar in nutrition and dietetics practice in Ghana. Additionally, a professional body backed credential not only boosts the morale of the members but also sets a benchmark for excellence in our professional field. [NB: Professional credentialing is a crucial feature for ensuring that our professionals are not only competent but also equipped to deliver the highest standards of care. It’s a validation of the hard work our members put into the holistic self-development, approved professional knowledge acquisition coupled with apt professional competencies and professionalism: key ingredients in developing our professions]. In conclusion, the professional credentialing is a cornerstone to GAND’s ongoing journey towards elevating standards in nutrition and dietetics practice in Ghana as well as promoting a collective vision for a future where credentialing continues to be a driving force in ensuring excellence in patient/client care.