The Last Piece of the Governing Board Membership Puzzle Fixed: The Zonal Representative


The Annual General Meeting of the Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND or The Academy) on Friday October 20, 2023 elected and inducted into office the final member of the Governing Board: The Zonal Representative – a position that has been vacant since the 2021 – 2023 tenure began.
Mrs Felicia Danso, the elected Zonal Representative and our newest member of the Governing Board (GB), was unanimously nominated from among the different representative of the five zone of the Academy and fully endorsed by the AGM on Friday October 20, 2023 at the School of Business Auditorium of the KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana.

She was subsequently inducted into office by Mr Percival Agordoh, RD – the Vice President of GAND (who also facilitated the nomination and approval process). This makes her the first ever individual to assume this prestigious role which has the sole responsibility of ensuring the effective organization, operation and representation of the decentralized structures of the GAND infrastructure.

Before her nomination, Mrs Danso was (and still is) a focal executive member of the Northern Zone of the Academy. She is a credentialled registered nutritionist and a founding member of the Academy.

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1. An email with a link to activate your account.
2. An email welcoming you after you do the activation.
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