Our Work with Commercial Companies

Process and Guidelines

The GAND governs our collaborations with commercial firms. Guidelines for Working with Commercial Companies, which give a framework for negotiating each cooperation in an open and consistent manner. Only GAND members have access to the decision-making appendices and risk assessment papers.

GAND is dedicated to ensuring that GAND members and stakeholders are aware of our strategic goals and have access to information about our partnerships with other organizations and businesses. For business contract reasons, deliberations on partnerships and agreement forms are frequently not made public, but it is critical to demonstrate a commitment to openness.

In relation to our commercial collaborations and alliances we will:

  • Acknowledge any sponsorship or project partnerships on materials that support the relevant project — for example, logos on event promotional materials, unambiguous badging of advertisements, and comments on project documents detailing the role of the partners.
  • Update the GAND website with a list of current corporate members and alliances.
  • Identify the organization that benefits from nutritionists & dietitians input, such as invitations to round table meetings or completion of surveys.
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GAND Members

Hello GAND Members!

Did you register for Membership from 2019 to June 2023?
If yes, please register again, to get your details in the system and your GAND number.
If no, please go ahead and register for your membership!
When your registration goes through, you will receive two emails:
1. An email with a link to activate your account.
2. An email welcoming you after you do the activation.
(If you have already done this, kindly ignore)

Thank you!

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