Who is A Nutritonist?

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Nutritionists are professionals with expertise in the science of food and nutrition, and provide evidence-based information and guidance about the impacts of food and nutrition on the health and wellbeing at an individual or population level. 

Nutritionists are individuals with a minimum of honours-degree level knowledge and competence in nutrition science. They use this expertise to promote and protect the wellbeing of the public and manage health systems. The scope of the practice of nutrition has a wide and varied remit.  Nutritionists are found in academia, healthcare, industry, sports & exercise, government etc.

Registered Nutritionists (RNutrs) additionally have a number of years of professional practice experience and have demonstrated they are both qualified and competent in the application of nutrition science within their specialist area.

Sports and Exercise Nutrition

Sports and Exercise Nutritionists develop, implement and evaluate nutritional strategies to optimise performance in sport and exercise. They determine the energy, fluid and nutrient demands of sport and exercise and provide tailored dietary advice to individuals and groups, ranging from recreational athletes, enthusiastic amateurs to elite professional athletes. They may also work for and in the sports nutrition industry eg producing products for athletes of all ability levels, or may work in education, be academics or researchers.

Nutritionists are nutrition professionals regulated by law and have an ethical code of conduct.

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